Team Work

Everybody knows that two heads are better than one and when it comes to solving problems like peer pressure and self esteem 'Dove' have stepped in to help bring a solution. They are recruiting people to become trained educators and pass on valuable skills to young people. Peer education and supporting today's children is vital. If we do not do anything about the growing problem of insecurity then tomorrows future will be uncertain for us all. I am really pleased to see that Dove are taking the subject of 'Media Bombardment' seriously enough to stand up against it. Watch their brilliant advertisement below:

From this film it is clear that we need to educate people from a young age and build their self esteem BEFORE the media hype gets a hold of them.
The charity BEAT is in partnership with Dove and working towards a brighter future for all young people. Here is a tool-kit and package for people who want to raise awareness:

I believe that if we all stand together and begin to speak openly about the issues facing us then we can begin to find the solutions together. This link will show you the progress and foundation of the project:

Team work is where everyone agrees on a common goal and works together to accomplish what sometimes seems impossible - but together I believe that 'anything is possible'.


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