Help for women

There are a number of charities which are set up to help women all across the UK. Recently a couple of ladies came to run a session for my local youth group all to do with peer pressure and bullying in relationships.

This is a tough area, as if relationships and friendships were not complicated enough!

The charity mentioned above is 'Women's Aid'; a national Charity set up to aid victims of domestic violence. They have over 300 local groups set up across the country and the ladies who came were from my local borough. The charity was set up in the 1960's in a time when domestic violence was not spoken of so people used to suffer in silence.

Domestic abuse is the worst case scenario when it comes to bullying. As it is set in the home which should be the safe place for all of us, it is the last place you would think of being at risk. Sadly this kind of abuse starts early on when we allow ourselves to be bullied and manipulated and allow others to control us. Due to low self esteem and pressure from others we put ourselves in the dangerous position of abusive relationships.

The actress Keira Knightly is involved with the charity and helped make an awareness film for them. Please be aware that this may not be appropriate for some viewers as it contains violence:

The session which was run by the local Women's Aid group asked key questions to get the young people to think about what sort of behaviour was and wasn't appropriate in a friendship/relationship.

If you are suffering in this way and are too afraid to speak to anyone and try to get help, or if you would like to become involved in the work of Women's Aid, here is the link to their main web site:

For younger people there is a specific web page for them to look at:

"We really support The Hideout. It's great that children have some help to get away from violence at home. This website would be a great help for young children who think there is no one there listening to them." 
Girls Aloud

Don't let yourself suffer alone, get help!


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