The Diet Delusion

Why is a huge proportion of society obsessed with dieting? Why are we so bothered about what we look like? What is it that we are trying to achieve? What I found out when I looked into this subject was shocking - to summarize if you have jumped onto the 'Dieting Bandwagon', you have been deceived.
The image we have of our bodies are not just based on what we see when we look in a mirror. We are constantly bombarded with images of tall, thin, glamorous women and men, with flawless skin, shiny hair and the perfect wardrobe. 
We're all in this Rat race, constantly competing everyday of the year. We think it's so normal to do this, we may not notice what we're doing. We are confronted with images from magazines, advertisements and bill-board pictures.We're so used to seeing them we think it doesn't affect us. 

The people who started this Race were statisticians who told us who is fat and who is thin; fashion designers who make clothes to fit the ideal shape and the Media who promote this idea. The government and the health service have sent everyone into a mad panic with numerous stories of health problems and are now relying on the diet industry to solve the problem they have helped create, because they don't have the answer.  

The root of this problem was investigated by reporter Jacques Peretti, who also writes for the Guardian newspaper. The series 'The Men who made us Thin' follows the history of the dieting industry and exposes the root cause of how we all came to be obsessed with our weight, how our body image depends on what other people tell us is acceptable and normal. 

It's no good talking about how bad things are and our problems with body image, unless we then talk about what we can do to solve the problem. What we eat is important and exercise plays its part too in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and helps maintain a health body image. "You are what you eat" as they say. If you eat junk, processed food and tones of sugar, you will suffer the consequences. If you eat food as nature provided there would be less of a problem, and no need for a diet industry. 
There are a few doctors and scientists in the world today who are encouraging people to take responsibility for themselves, by giving them sensible advice on how to change if they have a weight problem, or want to improve their health. Below I have listed a few helpful links which are not gimmicks but real tools to help you overcome your issues with body image and weight management:

There is no quick fix solution for any of our problems. We have to decided if we want to change things, and then find the determination to change. 


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