Comparing your Image
It's that time of year when we all start to get back into the routein of either school, college, uni or work, and we all want to start a-fresh and do our best in the new academic year.
But there's nothing worse than getting that negative, gut-feeling inside of you telling yourself you're not pretty like all the others in your class or group. You might look at the others girls, or boys, and wish you looked like them or had similar features.
It's almost impossible for someone not to think about these things at least once everyday. Sometimes you might find yourself thinking about it without realising you're thinking about it.
It is difficult to accept the way you are and to love the way you are to begin with; it took me a while too and I still have my bad days, but here are also good days and it's being there for others and encouraging them that counts for me.
Comparing yourself to others is a simple and easy thing to do, but it's also a bad thing and something that we should try not to practice. Why? Because if we keep wanting and trying to be someone else, how are you going to continue wanting to be you? Aren't you important too? Of course you are, you are the only version of you on this whole plant and the whole universe! You are unique and special and no one should have to feel pressured to look a certain way or to be a certain weight.
Together we can fight this difficulty, and we can do it, no matter who you are, because we are all special and beautiful. ♥
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