Cuts and bruises...
How do I stand again?
Remember that there are people out there who can help, you just need to seek and ask. Don't let yourself suffer alone because it's not worth it. Your life and happiness is more important to you and everyone around you! You CAN do it!
Everyone gets stressed, everyone gets upset, and we all fall down. But what do we do to bring ourselves back up? How do we stand up on our feet again? Some may feel that they've been broken down so much they're not sure what to do, and don't want to recover, not seeing the point in it. There is a huge amount of point in it!
The saying, "Because you're worth it," comes into this. Why is it worth climbing to the top and starting again? Because we are all special and individually worth it; there is no one else in the whole entire world who is like you, even if you have a twin sister or brother you are still completely different on the inside.
Now we see that we all have our downfalls, and know that it's important to take a stand and build up our hearts and minds in a healthy, confident way. Just how do we make ourselves better? To start off...there really is no definite answer. There are loads of answers! It's just finding the right one for you.
- Running or taking a walk
- Reading a book
- Doing something creative like drawing or painting
- Listening to music and dancing
- Painting your nails
- Watching T.V. or playing on your X-box
- Baking cupcakes or cooking
What really helps me to de-stress is to listen to music and dance. I put in my ear phones and listen to Capital on my Ipod. I shut myself in my bedroom, turn the music up and dance free style, getting all those emotions out and turning them into energy for dance moves. There are so many ways of getting rid of stress, deep emotions and anger; but one stress releasing problem that is sadly common and dangerous, is self harm.
"In the 12 months to June 2013; there were 13,400 hospital cases where 15-19 year-old girls received treatment for an external cause of intentional self-harm" HSCICIt's really sad to hear this, that so many people of young ages are damaging themselves because of bullying, low self esteem, family problems, abuse and much more devastating factors. This is wrong and effects their lives and potentially their future. No one should have to go through this; it's heartbreaking and if we act together we can help the people in trouble to stand up again and lead them back to safety. Cutting yourself is an unhealthy act and you must understand doing it is a risk to your health and well-being. If you do self harm and are worried about telling people just in case they laugh at you or think you're pathetic, don't worry at all because their are people who will always want to help. Here are a couple sites for you to browse if you want to change your ways and stand up to your fears and struggles:
Remember that there are people out there who can help, you just need to seek and ask. Don't let yourself suffer alone because it's not worth it. Your life and happiness is more important to you and everyone around you! You CAN do it!
Just a little song to get your spirits up :D
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