Sticks and Stones...

As a reaction to the poem above, as a defense against bullies, it is often said: 
"Sticks and stones may break my bones - but names will never hurt me"
Sometimes in old sayings like the one above, you can find some truth. However there is no truth that calling names does not hurt. The poem by Ruby Redfort is true. Why does it hurt when someone calls you something to bring you down, and make fun of you? There are many things we are conscious of like; our hair, our features, our skin, our shape, and even our voices. You can guarantee whatever you are conscious of, others will notice. Friends will try to encourage you in those things, but your foes will do the opposite and attack you.

Question Time

Lets ask ourselves some questions here:
  1. Is it right to make jokes about people with ginger hair?
  2. Is it right to call fat people stupid?
  3. Is it right to say all thin people are anorexic?
  4. Is it right to think white people are superior to black people?
  5. Is it right to make fun of disabled people?
  6. Is it right to gossip about people and spread rumours?
  7. Is it right to accuse people with acne of being dirty?
  8. Is it right to say that people who wear glasses are nerds?
  9. Is it right to say people who work hard at school are teachers pets?
  10. Is it right to call someone a loser?
Everyday you hear this sort of talk in schools, colleges, universities, work places; infact anywhere their are people. Even between friends this happens, but there comes a time when making the same joke over and over again starts to hurt. 

Think of what you Think before you Say...Don't be a verbal bully!


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