Ain't nobody got time for that!

This woman's news story has gone viral, it's funny but she might have a point to make. Sometimes we watch things and they make us laugh, which isn't a bad thing; but sometimes we can miss a deeper meaning. The woman was talking about the morning she woke up to find that her house was on fire, and that instead of trying to grab all her belongings, she ran out of the house away from the danger. She didn't even grab her shoes or nothin', which is where the line, "ain't nobody got time for that" comes from. 

We all have bad moments in our lives that have affected us somehow, and the past can stay with us. These memories cling onto us and are difficult to run away from. The woman ran away knowing she had to leave certain things behind. If she had stayed behind to try to pack up her possessions, who knows what position she could have ended up in? Unless you begin to look forward and leave the bad things in the past, it's going to make the future more difficult. 

What are those bad things that we need to leave behind?
  • Hurtful things that people say to us
  • Friendships breaking down
  • Being left out and feeling lonely
  • Negativity about ourselves and others
  • Regrets about what you should have/shouldn't have done or said
  • Guilt; living with the realization that we've done something wrong and have never put it right
That's only some of the things that we worry about. All these things cause problems in our future unless we do something about it now. The old saying is 'Forgive and Forget.' Sometimes we have to forgive ourselves not just for the things that we've done, but for the way we've allowed other people to affect us. Then we must choose to forget them. Both of these things are hard to do. It takes courage to face our past and deal with it, but if we don't do that the future becomes a repeat of our past, because we never learn our lessons. Once round the goldfish bowl, and ain't nobody got time for that!

If you want to check out the original news report it's right here!


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