Am I good enough?

There are hundreds of reasons we can feel anxious about our body image. Influences from the Media and Internet, advertisements, magazines, film and celebrity lifestyles can trigger thoughts, positive or negative about our appearance. And this can get complicated when it comes to relationships...

There are many girls and boys who wonder if they look 'good enough,' and there is a lot of young people debating whether they are attractive, pretty or handsome enough to get into a relationship. This can distress a young person greatly. If you know or have friends who are in a relationship, that may make you want to have someone special too. But there could be a barrier, in this case 'body image,' in the way of this becoming possible. I see lots of comments, status' and Tweets online where people think aloud, "Am I good enough?" or "Am I attractive?" There seems to be a lot of self doubt and worry amongst the younger generation, whether they look good enough for someone else to notice them. And they may feel the need to change how they look, whether that be to lose weight or gain weight, change their hair or clothes. In doing these things, we may be lead to think that we will get a girl/boy to be more attracted to us, just because we tried to change our appearance to be 'good enough' for them.

Let's not forget what people are really attracted to. It all comes down to one thing; and that's personality. Doesn't matter if you're short or tall, whether you are fat or thin, or if you have spots or scars. The real beauty comes from within! This is what people will notice in you everyday; your laugh, your way of speech, your characteristics. These are the things that define you as a person. Yes your appearance will decided a persons first impressions, but true attraction and love takes time to grow, and if looks are all a girl/boy is looking after, decide whether or not they are going to take your relationship seriously. But if they are attracted to your personality and like hanging around you, then hey presto! you're on your way to new beginnings. 

Personality is really important in a relationship, and not just liking each other is important, but liking your own personality is important too. If you are constantly negative about your body image and personality, it will reflect on your relationship and things can become complicated and difficult for the opposite person. It can even break relationships down as it can seem as if the negative person is only ever negative about themselves and don't think much about their partner. So liking yourself and being who you are is a major part of a relationship working like gold dust. If you be yourself, and your partner is themselves, then it's going to make the journey a lot easier. It may be difficult to start with but you can help each other, complement each other and show how much you mean to each other. 

Don't let negative body image ruin a chance at love!


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