Skin deep...

You wake up in the morning, you can barely see through your eyes, stumbling out of bed you walk over to the mirror instantly, and...You've got to be joking. There's a red, shiny spot on the end of your nose, just like Rudolph. Seems that Christmas has come too soon.
Anyone who has spots will understand how frustrating this is. To have to face the day with a face you don't even want to show, is as bad as it gets. It doesn't just make you feel angry and upset but it lowers your self esteem too. Comments are shot at us like bullets from a gun, and are continuously being reloaded. Have you ever had people say to you that you are unclean, or that you don't wash regularly? Well, you could end up being the person who washes more than the person dropping the comments, although they may have what we see as 'perfect skin.'
Personally, I find it really maddening when I see a skin care commercial and the model has perfect skin. In fact, it makes me feel so irritated that I want to just turn the T.V. off. The problem is, is that these products are made to look like they really work. Some products work for some people and others don't. Getting clear skin isn't as simple as you think.
Why is it so difficult to get clear skin? Surely it should be as easy as keeping a good facial routine for every morning and night. Skin problems don't disappear over night, it's all about hormones, changes in diet, even the water you wash in! 

The important thing is to not let skin problems ruin your life and bring you down. Acne, spots and blemishes and rashes on our faces come and go and the media constantly projecting images of perfect beautiful skin is a ploy to make you feel desperate and ready to pay any amount of money to 'get the skin you want'. 

There are quite a few books out there which claim to have the answer and even more products which 'at a price' will solve your problems. 
Here is a book that I'm reading which is defiantly worth reading about your skin problems:
This book by Elaine Mummery explains about what sort of spots and acne problems there are, facts about why we may have spots, and then different methods on how to start to get rid of them! When I was first given this book, I thought, 'Oh no, here we go again. This isn't going to work just like everything else I've tried.' But starting to read it I educated myself about what my problem was and really came to terms with what I must do to battle my spots. It's a good read with plenty of information to get the cogs in your brain working (you can get it online from Amazon from around £10.00 or used ones from £2.88). There are other books, blogs and websites out there that will give you advice on what to do. The most important thing is to follow the routines that work for YOU.

Our external appearance does matter to us. It's linked to our self esteem, our ambitions and dreams as it affects our outlook on life but remember:
 “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” 


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